Students at the Faculty of Education of Toledo. Http://revistamagisterioelrecreo.blogspot.com/
PHOTOGRAPHY: Isabel García Lozoya Calvo.
KNOW THE WORLD THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY Leblic Marta García (Ed. Musical 2011). The teaching unit in technological support is developed in four sessions, which are four years each. With this blog the students are initiated into the world of photography. Http://www.martaleblic.blogspot.com/
- THE OTHER SIDE OF ADVERTISING: Marien Martín García. This is a blog to work with children's television commercials. Video displayed questions for children to respond. Http://laotracaradelosanuncios.blogspot.com/
- THE COMIC: Marine Rizaldos Carrillo.
The blog has educational content on the comic, concepts, activities ...
- OPEN CLASS: Fish Roberto Galán.
This blog could serve as an example for a school newspaper in blog format. Is an example, so that the center and people are fictional, but we could use it as an outline for a real one. Http://claseabierta.blogspot.com/
In this blog we can find articles and information on children and television,
- Althia CLASSROOMS: Benito Cesar Romero-Salazar
This Blog , you will find lots of information about Althia classrooms, and a good introduction to what these classrooms and objectives. Also you can see how they catching on in other countries in education and a separate interview with experts in the subject. Http://www.aulasalthia.blogspot.com/
MULTIMEDIA AND VIDEO Mary Olivet Carmen Monroy
A WALK THROUGH HISTORY, THE ORDER OF CALATRAVA by: Aitor Lirola Pizarro, Ana Martín García, Carmen Hernández Lucía Mora, Ivan Palmer Selda . This blog present all to do with a virtual tour that could be done with the students. In detail: Introduction to virtual tour, tour program and supplements to do so. URL: http://ordencalatrava.blogspot.com/
Virtual tour to places of Lazarillo de Tormes, Author: Antonio Suarez Comino (Primary Education 2011). http://antoniocominosuarez.blogspot.com/
The knowledge corner of San José del Carmen Cristina Aguilar (Primary Education 2011). The corner of knowledge is a blog in which we find odd jobs over the three years of the Diploma in Primary Teaching. No information, only work performed. Surely you add other work done earlier in the module Education Child.
New technologies for waste recycling , Nombela Ruben Tenorio (PE 2011). This blog is intended to facilitate the students his reflection on the importance of recycling. Http://www.ruben-nom.blogspot.com/
- instrument families: Roberto Sánchez Pérez. http://cuartetosaxtoledo . blogspot.com /
- MUSIC AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION: Rodrigo José Navarro Sesmero. List of links to work various aspects of new technologies related to music. http://tecnologias-educativasrodrigo.blogspot.com/
- MUSICAL ACTIVITIES: Concepcion Segura Barrano This blog can
find many activities for all ages for the area of \u200b\u200bmusic: http://educaconmusica.blogspot.com/
- "DRIVING SKILLS" Yuste Jorge Olivares.
In this blog, we find the application of motor skills, applied from the new technologies. Http://movimientodef.blogspot.com/
- Enjoying the Virginia volleyball Sánchez Cuesta (PE).
My blog focuses on the initiation sports (volleyball) and the discovery of blogs. Http://disfrutandoconelvoley.blogspot.com/
- Started Floorball Olga Velasco Gallardo (PE).
My blog about sports initiation (floorball) and the discovery of blogs. Http://iniciacionalfloorball.blogspot.com/
MY DIGITAL PORTFOLIO, by Mario Contreras Cuellar (Physical Education). This is a personal blog NNTTAE with a didactic and information-reflection on the subject (experience, practice ...) and events related to teaching and the campus. In his didactic purpose, the Bear Berni by videos we will be showing different sports, which are, fair play and how everything is within reach of everyone. Http://portafoliosnnttmariocontreras.blogspot.com/
The world of sport, by Antonio Ballesteros Cano.
Here I present the world of sport from its origins and different types of sports.
basic motor skills by José Manuel Rodríguez Square.http://josemanuelrodriguez-sete.blogspot.com/
My blog of Physical Education, by Antonio Jesús Guzmán Pavón
http://todosdeportistas.blog spot.com /
Ruben's Blog, by Rubén Sánchez Casas, http://rubensanchez78.blogspot.com/
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