Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Why Did My Friend Block Me?
"That's the amount the Global Campaign for Educacio'n (GCE Global Campaign for Education), a coalicio'n charitable organizations and teachers unions, believes that place minimum necessary to achieve the target agreed by the United Nations in 2000 as one of the millennium development goals and was re-affirmed by the Group of 8, in years past or in Gleneagles: To provide free and universal access to education primary for the year 2015 will be met
Steps toward that goal have already been given in several pai'ses, thanks to the combined effect of debt relief and increased aid: Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania have reduced payments educacio'n matr'iculas for primary, adding about 7 million children ~ I ma's in the classroom. But, where teachers will take them ara'n teaches these or ~ you?.
those millions of teachers are the focus of the Campaign to the CGE, called My Friend Needs a Teacher, which claims that each or ~ or have a teacher well-trained and well paid and can attend a class with no more than 40 students. Is the next step, the Campaign for the past insisted on ~ o 'to draw on atencio'n that ma's 100 million or ~ you around the world are not going to school. During this Campaign, 7000 schools in the UK and more than 5 million or ~ you around the world, made cuts and figures on paper to represent those that could be due compa ~ eros their class. The GCE says that was the biggest child exercise group of all time. "
The source of this note is The Guardian, UK , but the original direction of the Campaign is: www.campaignforeducation. org
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