Monday, December 25, 2006

What Happens To The Cervix Before Your Period

Rationale for a South American Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge. The Declaration of Mexico

Justification Memorandum for a South American Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge.

establish that all knowledge is the result of a collective effort must be free for all is a fundamental commitment to continental social payoff, but also a perfectly practical and sustainable option. That is what is argued in this text.

free access may be understood as a comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage, refereed and approved by the intellectual community, and provision of high society in an expeditious manner, large and especially not the ignorant peche 1.

In most Western societies prevailing economic system that prevents free access to knowledge in these terms. A system that has been built so far international law for the so-called intellectual property. "

That economic system demand huge amounts of foreign currency from their taxpayers forced: the nation state. But the worst thing is that its very existence undermines the solidarity principles of public education, established in the national constitutions of those same states, and encourages ignorance of non-cooperation between the academic communities of these nations.

For example, rather than allow free access to their intellectual contributions, researchers from public institutions transfer their copyright and thereby control the dissemination of these contributions, transnational publishers then chest to authors and their colleagues and neighbors for access to this knowledge, often corrected and improved by the communities themselves.

Researchers are practically forced to participate in this extraordinary business as traditional mechanisms of evaluation of scholarly productivity and research are almost entirely rooted systems of publications related to publishing houses closing the access to this knowledge for economic reasons.

To correct this situation and eliminate its harmful effects sufficient a political statement at the highest level stating that all knowledge result of a collective effort should be freely available to all without imposing limitations that special reasons of sovereignty and national security.

With this every public academic community in each country could implement the actions necessary to ensure free access to knowledge. Actions which would lead to major economic changes since, as said, much of the current system and is supported by the efforts and resources of the academic community service.

1 Berlin Declaration


want to subscribe to this statement?. Leave a comment. Thank you.

Jacinto Dávila. Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela

White Ceramic Plates Wholesale

Last October, in the framework of the International Conference V University Libraries, organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, we discussed the principles of free access to knowledge and agree a statement that we share with the community American academic: THE DECLARATION OF MEXICO.

The Mexico Declaration

Informed and aware

that "g nsure that the results of research freely available to all is the best way to maximize their utility" and that "Open access is good for science, for the research community and Humanity (1) who subscribe to we would recommend to all Latin American institutions, and especially our national governments, policy-making Open Access and the inclusion of Open Access resources in the mechanisms of institutional evaluation of academic performance and scientific, as a way to encourage the free generation of knowledge.

This group is committed to creating and maintaining a network of research, exchange, promotion, communication, digital preservation and training of staff in the technological tools required to carry out the mission referred, and the creation of a union catalog of contributions. We invite and open the door for all institutions to join this effort underwriting this statement.

In Mexico City, Friday October 27, 2006.

Managers of the Declaration:

From the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Alberto Castro Thompson.

of the Latin American Consortium for Education in Science and Technology, Henry Jerez.

From the Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, Fujita Mariangela.

The Ministry of Education Colombia, Alvaro Arias.

From the University of Los Andes, Venezuela, Jacinto Dávila.

Emory University, Richard Luce.

(1) Sir John Sulston. A Guide to Open Access. Wellcome Trust

Monday, October 23, 2006

Friction Static Of A Ladder

They claim the proprietary Carbon neutral

A great expectation has been created in Europe with the imminent release of a report favorable to the Free Software for the European Commission. The recommendations of the report and raised their voices, somewhat distressed, advocates of proprietary software or as they call it owner.

below my translation of a letter circulating in cyberspace and can be downloaded from the site ISC, , the organization comprised of proprietary software, among many others for the Venezolana CAVEINSOFT.


Mrs Francoise Le Bail

Deputy Director General European Commission Directorate
Industry and Business
Rue de la Loi 200

October 10, 2006

Dear Ms Le Bail, I am writing to

name of "the choice Iniativa Software" to respond to the results of a study commissioned by the European Commission and conducted by UNU-MERIT, the Netherlands, to identify the role of Free Software and Open Source, FLOSS in the economy ("Economic Impact Study Free Software on innovation and competitiveness of the sectors of information technology and communication in the European Union, draft of September 26, 2006).

The "Initiative for Software choice" (ISC, is a global coalition of 300 companies in the ICT sector which offer a wide variety of services, hardware and software. Our purpose is to promote an open and competitive market in which companies can pursue their business without fear of discrimination.

THE ISC welcomes the initiative of the commission to conduct a study - the more information we can gather about the market dynamics particularly with regard to FLOSS, more coherent and better understood is the software ecosystem.

That said, the short window with which we and others have been commenting on that report has precluded a more complete answers. While we believe this study adds light on this complex issue, not holistically reflect all the dynamics that occur now in the booming software market. To this end, we offer our experience and we declare ourselves ready to meet the authors of this report to help them understand the very limited role of governments in promoting the development of software.

FLOSS has proven a successful business model

must reiterate that FLOSS is merely a business model to distribute software, as are many other business models including the hybrid and proprietary model (they say owner). The method has shown considerable FLOSS market penetration and continues to expand daily.

As they say the results of the report, open source software has actively taken sid firms in Europe during the last 2 years so that by the end of 2005 the share of companies using these systems reached 40%, another 8% planning pilot projects such systems in 2006. Moreover, the report predicts that the expansion FLOSS participants will be 20% per year.

Moreover, the study illustrates that Europe is leading the rest of the world in terms of market penetration and development of FLOSS. Given the success of FLOSS business model, the need for measures to increase support for this model is already blooming on his own seems unnecessary.

This report ignores the positive existence of non-FLOSS models

The ISC regrets that the focus of this report does not consider the achievements of several other forms of software licensing and business models. This is somewhat understandable because the report is primarily a study of the FLOSS model. However, the FLOSS model can not be separated from the environment in which it exists - is not an island. In those passages where the report acknowledges this, he admits the existence of other models in a demeaning manner, indicated that only cause "headaches to FLOSS" instead of contributing to competitive dynamics. Alternative models of software distribution - such as the proprietary model and the hybrid - produced great results but this success has been blurred and distorted (in the report). It took more balance with what we believe is cast doubt on the overall performance and make the study look more like a marketing document than a serious review of this subject as complex and dynamic.

The market for software that works extremely well today there

At ISC would like to emphasize that both the owner and other forms of licensing including permissive free software licenses, have offered substantially innovative technology solutions. These results can not be underrated: the software market that exists today works extremely well generating innovative solutions for all areas of business and government operations.

Choosing a business model is, ultimately, a market decision. In practice the market so far has largely opted for the proprietary model, a choice should not be ignored, regardless of other supposed benefits offered by the FLOSS system.

(Translator's Note: Suppose it is true that every individual and organization should have the right to choose your model. The public organizations NO. If a public employee chooses a proprietary software are deciding on their behalf, but also on behalf of audience. For example, if the employee decides not interested in knowing the source code of their programs, to purchase (public funds) would be forcing that decision on its audience (I should say people).)

Moreover, the proprietary model is supported largely by a complex system of rights (IPR Intellectual property rights) that has spread from social experiences to provide incentive to the advancement of technological innovation.

(Translator's Note: In other words, they admit that intellectual property rights were not originally designed for software and its sole purpose is to seek further technological innovation, not the global impact of technology).

This system is still valid in its own right. It is a stimulant of innovation and market-oriented intricate that clearly works.

(Translator's Note: So, why worry?).

The alternatives ensure standards of innovation dynamics

As the report emphasizes, the FLOSS model has developed a wide range of high quality. We should not assume, however, that this model has all the answers. A variety of standards must be maintained to allow more efficient and feasible solutions are developed. At this time, a lot of standards are in operation in several governments and business platforms, and have been developed to meet the more efficiently with specific operational requirements. More clearly, both standard licensed as unlicensed (the friendly FLOSS) are used throughout the market. Any promotion of FLOSS-friendly standards (ie, NO-RAND standards) should take this into account. Actions that may affect these standards could significantly affect the entire ecosystem of software.

(Translator's note: This paragraph is a veiled threat. Some of these standards are anchored to software patents that could be used to prevent the use of some software that implements the standard. That if it would affect the industry and its users)

Affect the IPR can be disastrous

(NT: for certain monopolistic practices will be).

system IPR has evolved over centuries of knowledge work and business practices

(NT: None of which has to do with the software. THE software industry has not been 100 years!).

That can not refuse (the same FLOSS depends on a strong IPR to stay).

(NT: FLOSS puts the current IPR serving the community). Such facts

demand the utmost caution when considering changes. The level of capital investment in the EU is struggling to stay in the fierce global battle and many blame their problems on a very weak protection of intellectual property. Many of the recommendations policies proposed by the report could further weaken the European IPR, potentially affecting the level of capital investment and innovation in the EU.

The R & D sector of European industry needs encouragement attorney general, not just the FLOSS model

is widely recognized that innovation needs more stimulus. Increasing investment in R & D has proven to be an effective method to promote innovation. Tax credits for R & D can be a valuable tool for ESOT. THE ISC suggests that government support for basic R & D and pre-trade, through tax credits significantly stimulate innovation in Europe, but only if applied in a technologically neutral and unbiased.

(NT: Another technological neutrality. Concept empty. We demand neutral in politics or religion. In the best technology imposes on society ..).

government support to reward the most appropriate technological solutions and innovative without discriminating between different models and standards is the most effective way of stimulating innovation.

(NT: For what it is innovation that is never transmitted to the larger community?).

The recommendation made reporting to tax credits apply only to FLOSS seems extreme. Besides causing significant implications for distorting the market and technological development will be extremely difficult to enforce / control considering how easy it is for people to "empty" code in the OSS community, regardless of the quality of that code, with the sole intention to claim tax credits.

(NT: It seems that ignore something well known in software. The software is made to work. The best work will claim the credit. He who does not operate can not claim).

Moreover, both the time spent evaluating development as the value of a piece of code is virtually impossible.

(NT: Why?).

should be noted that, by 2005, more than half of all FLOSS developers earn income from their FLOSS activities. This is reflected in a footnote on page 75 of the report. This shows that the market rewards the FLOSS development that has significant value and social use. With this in mind, it is difficult to see the need to consider the development of FLOSS as a "charitable contribution to society", as suggested by the report.

(NT: Here's an example. A government invests in the development of some free software for business management and then release it for any employer (the world) what you use and take advantage. Is not that a generous donation. Certainly not with the contemptuous tone that is attributed to charity. But generosity).

A similar line of argument can be applied to licensing schemes created by default on contributions by R & D financed by governments. Society benefits when the choice of business model is subject to minimal restrictions.

(NT: This is not true. All the world's societies severely restrict certain practices that could become highly profitable business, considering them harmful in other words).

more developers come to the table to develop more robust solutions and marketing input the results of the R & D may follow market trends more quickly. Licensing schemes R & D - as the model "Bayh-Dole" in the U.S. - allows those who use public funds to make the decision about how they want to license their innovations.

(NT: However, the NSF requires generating openly disseminate knowledge and free terms the results of research funded with public funds).

This system has a record fail-safe and has served the technology transfer and the interests of society as well.

(NT: Too bad they did not have time to explain this)

Using this model - one that allows the operator to choose, and that is technologically neutral and neutral about the type of license - we will provide the greatest benefit without artificial distortions in the market. Both FLOSS license as other models can proliferate without excluding other default under this scheme.

cooperation among all involved in the training will ensure that appropriate e-skills are taught.

As explained reporting, capacity building and training should be ensured in order to keep an open mind when it comes to software platforms. With this, the ISC agrees, but insists that while the public sector work in coordination with the private sector and that this work is maintained independently of technological disciplines, market mechanisms ensure that the training scheme to adapt to changing nature of the technology ecosystem.

(NT: Second translation: While the public sector do indicate that some private, competition will ensure that people receive the most appropriate training (for those private)).

barely discussed the definition of FLOSS / Open Standard

The ISC was surprised to find that an academic study of this nature does not relate to the lack of a general definition of "open standards" and "FLOSS" .

(NT: Poor resource. The definition of FLOSS is everywhere. Wikipedia,, Seek definition: Google Free Software.)

Moreover, the ISC will IDABC concerned that the definition of open standards is offered as a 'benchmark' in the studio, where the Commission has expressly stated that this definition is no official policy of the Commission. Given the fact that the interpretation of FLOSS and open standards permeates the whole discussion this matter should be considered in much greater depth.

(NT: A classic fallacy: "The argument can not be right if it does not describe all the right words.")

SE should make a discussion of this issue

The ISC would like to reiterate once again that the extremely short time that we were to comment on the report - 10 days only in a 256-page report written for more a year by dozens of individuals and institutions - does not permit a good answer thought.

(NT: It's pretty obvious)

From this one might assume that the Commission is intolerant of opposing comments do not align with the agenda of the Commission and thus has set a closed process, with clear limits the views of diverse and opposing views.

Having discussed these issues for almost 5 years, we perceive this ironic lack of transparency - ie open source but closed process - as a more widespread practice, not only with respect to this report. We can not understand why this behavior occurs when the success of the FLOSS model is supported by itself and is closely connected with the software ecosystem, which is largely oriented FLOSS.

(NT: Second translation: To make people aware of the threat of monopoly, this should remain).

To this end, we offer to help with this report with a more open consideration of non-FLOSS side of the argument.

Sincerely, Hugo Lueders

Director of ISC Europe.


Friday, September 8, 2006

Time Share Cruise Ownership

1 2345
know that the best way to climb to success is finding and making match the best talent to companies that are sustainable development.
1 234

Head Hunting is a consultancy specializing in executive recruitment, middle management and expertise, with a focus on competency management.

We have the support of professionals specializing in human development and market experience as executives and consultants in various sectors of national and international businesses, with successful results in the selection of professional skills of high potential.
1234 12341234

Our relationship with the company's customer-partners and their consultant. We are committed to its philosophy, values \u200b\u200band business strategy , being a pride that distinguishes us, to represent your company in the labor market.

guarantee our service quality and satisfaction.

Head Hunting has the feature of giving a personalized service, it guarantees the quality of values, attitudes and motivations of our candidates, as well as their level of support skills the position and your company's culture.

Our work is fast, friendly and human quality. We are professional code of ethics and results vs. show. Investment.

establish a network of contacts and develop partnerships in the market, aiming to meet requirements of our clients holistically, with Head Hunting the leader of your project.

SCOPE We have experience in the labor market in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Tampico, Orizaba, among others.

Drafts of the companies we serve are diverse, according to demand in business sectors.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Zshred Discount Coupons

British Petroleum has launched a scheme called

seeking to persuade the British drivers invest in research projects in search of clean forms of energy. The idea seems to serve to raise awareness that drivers can have their own CO2 emissions, but instead of requiring them to reduce their consumption of gasoline directly (thereby reducing emissions) allows them to "offset" their consumption with investment in research.

The effectiveness of the effort is, of course, very debatable. But at least we have more information about our emissions to the atmosphere: Link

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fioni Shoes Heels Light Up

Free Knowledge Experts agree on the need to create new spaces

very prominent names in the field of Free Knowledge are going through one of the International Summer School organized by the University of Extremadura. The most repeated idea is that free access to information required by the user dose of generosity and collective work.

provide users with greater freedom
Experience Ignasi Labastida, who works as coordinator of the Office for Knowledge Dissemination of the University of Barcelona focuses since 2003 to free educational materials, and he uses a license from Creative Commons, an American organization that manages royalties. In this context, the intentions of Ignasi Labastida are those of providing open access to scientific content, so that they serve as an alternative source of data to more traditional scientific publishing. "When we talk about open access we mean the ability to act on a certain content, and the opportunity to amend it personally." "You have to give users the freedom to copy, download or link to a scientific paper," qualifies Labastida.
To this end, the speaker calls for greater involvement of institutions, "to implement real policies to support access free ", as already happens in Britain, America and Germany. In these countries is being discussed how to make public the results of research paid for with state funds.

From: #

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Closet Organizer Slanted Walls

fined Microsoft 280 million Euros (for monopoly) (free translation: Jacinto Dávila).

has been fined Microsoft 280.5 million euros (357 dollars) by the European Commission for disobeying
prior opinion
on trial for anti-competitive practices.

proprietary software giant will appeal the fine is the latest episode in a long
dispute with European regulators.

The decision is a sequel to that order which marked a milestone in the
2004, in which he ordered the company state-Unidense
you give information to rivals about its Windows operating system.

European regulators also warned Microsoft it could face more fines
up to 3 million euros per day.

Content and Clarity.

daily fines would be imposed from 31 July if Microsoft
not provide developers with technical information rivals "complete and accurate
," said the European Commission.

Microsoft general counsel, Brad Smith, insisted the
company has complied with the demands of the committee and said they would appeal the decision

"This is not for non-compliance, is clarity," said Mr. Smith in
press conference.

Mr. Smith said Microsoft would argue that the original demand
the commission was vague and that the company has done everything possible
since then to comply with the opinion and submit all required information

Microsoft is expected to deliver a final package of information for
use of their rivals, July 18, long before the
deadline set by the European Commission on 24 July.

"Hopefully, We'll close this chapter in a couple of weeks,"
Mr. Smith said, adding that despite
Microsoft was not happy with the fine, the company had seen signs of progress in
resolution of the dispute.


Commissioner for Competition of the European Union, Neelie Kroes, said he had not had
alternative but to "establish the payment of penalties
" against Microsoft, adding that "no company is by
above the law. "

"I regret that, two years after the decision ..
Microsoft has not yet ceased its illegal conduct, "said Ms Kroes.

Brussels had warned Microsoft in December that
could receive fines of 2 million per day if not complied with the orders of the commission

According to the order of 2004, Microsoft had to provide rival firms
more information about your software, and so enable
write programs that can run (run) better
Windows operating system.

That decision also required Microsoft to dis-assemble your (software management
of audio and video) Windows Media Player from its Windows operating system
, besides setting the record fine of 497 million Euros

Sunday, July 9, 2006

How Much Cost To Buy Bowling

The problem with technology Linux

"The problem with tecnologi'a is that, in general, is developed by people with resources to benefit people with resources. It is a deeply conservative social force. Another interesting aspect is that too complex to be controlled. The technology 'ia exacts revenge, but its unintended consequences give us an opportunity to re-address the environmental crisis that threatens us "Natalie Jeremijenko, author of: Link

Promotion Congratulations Quotes

"Free Radio Linux is a radial estacio'n li'nea and air. The sound is transmitted reading of co'digo automa'tica used to create the Linux operating system.

Free Radio Linux a hearing distrubution of Linux Kernel, the basis of all distributions of GNU / Linux. Each is lei'da co'digo li'nea of \u200b\u200ba computer generated voice: a built by the people of radioqualia a. The outputs of the speech.bots is encoded in a stream of open source audio (using the Ogg Vorbis codec ) and is sent over the Internet. A number of FM stations, AM and shortwave tambie'n worldwide have transmitted audio stream several times.

This version of Linux contains 4,141,432 li'neaas in code view. Read all co'digo estimated 14253.43 hours, or take a di'as 593.99. Free Radio Linux started 'broadcasting on February 3, 2002, to commemorate the third anniversary of te'rmino Open Source. "Taken from

Friday, July 7, 2006

Clothes Organizermachine

Radio Free Scholarships Research Internships in Europe



Alfa Programme, European Union

(II-0447-FA: Advanced Methods and Technologies for Bioinformatics)

Topic: Methods and Advanced Technologies for Bioinformatics.

Duration: 8 months maximum. Beginning in September 2006.

Places (host institutions) :

University of Murcia (UMU), Spain. Host Tutor: Rodrigo Martinez.

Université de Rennes 1, France. Host Tutor: Christian Delamarche.

Two seats are available. One for each university.

Financial support: The program will give the trainee an amount of 1500 Euros for a round trip between his country and the host institution. In addition, fellows will receive 1000 Euros per month, while in the host institution.

Deadline for submission of papers: July 28, 2006. (In 15 days!)

The documents include at least: Curriculum Vitae, Copy of Entry in the University, ratings in previous studies, proof of knowledge of languages.

Contact: Jacinto A. Dávila. Models and Simulation Center (CESIMO). Faculty of Engineering. Universidad de Los Andes. M é rida. Venezuela.

All precautions must be delivered electronically only to this address:

Please do not send paper documents.

About ALFA: Advanced Methods in Bioinformatics.

Alfa Network: Methods and Advanced Technologies in Bioinformatics ( II-0447-FA with a budget of 251,358, oo Euro ) is a joint effort between universities in Europe (University of Murcia, as coordinator, University of Rennes 1 and University of Ulster) and Latin American Universities (Universidad de Talca, Universidad de Rio Grande del Sur, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and Universidad de Los Andes) for personal training and technology transfer (in all directions .) With the support of the European Commission, several Latin American students internships of up to 8 months in European Universities. In 2006, students of the Doctorate in Applied Sciences from the University of Los Andes. Jose Lopez Prato (Professor, Princeton University) and Ana Muñoz (Professor, University Institute of Technology Ejido) comply with individual research fellowships at the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland and the University of Murcia, Spain, respectively. More information

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Victorian Lamp Shades Australia

New Intellectual Property Law in France

"Lately are frequent discussions about what to do with intellectual property law. It began with the advent of the Internet, but more so by the importance that P2P networks. France, for example, just to reform its copyright law to adapt to changing times. Through it provides for the establishment of a Regulatory Authority Technical Measures , consisting of three judges, and an expert, and a number of privileges granted to the field of education, research, libraries, archives , disabled people and the press.

Moreover, the French who download music without authorization could pay a fine of 38 euros and 150 euros for each song downloaded without permission without . Creating Peer to Peer programs could result in a 300 thousand euros, or three years in prison. "Taken from and

How Much Money Can Sell A Ps2 For

First infocentre theme in Merida Venezuela

" Mérida, July 4 ( - Mérida) On June 27 were visiting the village of El Vallecito, parish "Domingo Peña" officials of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), who visited the city of Merida in order to evaluate the project Infocentre Community Media Arts Center, which will be held in the Socio-Cultural Community Center and Tourism "Domingo Peña." Taken from Link

Why Did My Friend Block Me?

We need 15 million teachers

"That's the amount the Global Campaign for Educacio'n (GCE Global Campaign for Education), a coalicio'n charitable organizations and teachers unions, believes that place minimum necessary to achieve the target agreed by the United Nations in 2000 as one of the millennium development goals and was re-affirmed by the Group of 8, in years past or in Gleneagles: To provide free and universal access to education primary for the year 2015 will be met

Steps toward that goal have already been given in several pai'ses, thanks to the combined effect of debt relief and increased aid: Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania have reduced payments educacio'n matr'iculas for primary, adding about 7 million children ~ I ma's in the classroom. But, where teachers will take them ara'n teaches these or ~ you?.

those millions of teachers are the focus of the Campaign to the CGE, called My Friend Needs a Teacher, which claims that each or ~ or have a teacher well-trained and well paid and can attend a class with no more than 40 students. Is the next step, the Campaign for the past insisted on ~ o 'to draw on atencio'n that ma's 100 million or ~ you around the world are not going to school. During this Campaign, 7000 schools in the UK and more than 5 million or ~ you around the world, made cuts and figures on paper to represent those that could be due compa ~ eros their class. The GCE says that was the biggest child exercise group of all time. "

The source of this note is The Guardian, UK , but the original direction of the Campaign is: www.campaignforeducation. org

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

High School Musical Tooth Brush

Stallman invites young French people to go out against DRM law that favors

June 27, 2006 (IDG News Service) -

The Free Software advocate Richard Stallman invite young French people to protest against the draft law on copyright is being discussed in parliament this Friday.

This law threatens their freedom to watch DVDs (CDs with movies, music and other information) using free software and is designed to make French citizens to surrender to the will of media companies, he said, opening the conference Paris Capitale du Libre ", on Monday night.

When asked what could stop the law, Stallman said, "Young Miles French in the street. "

These young people, however, have little time to organize their protests, since Friday is the last day parliamentary session before the long summer vacation. Both houses of the French parliament will vote on the law that day: The Senate in the morning, the National Assembly in the afternoon. The law, officially called "Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society", is also known by its initials in French, DADVSI.

Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation, Inc., won over his audience in Paris to address them in French.

"I can tell the software free in three words: "liberté, égalité and fraternité," he said. Freedom, because free software gives everyone 4 freedoms that do not have with proprietary software, Equality, because it gives everyone the same freedoms, and brotherhood, because they all belong to the same community of interests, he added.

other hand, also said the slogan of (some) users of open source Linux operating system could be "gain, reliability and efficiency."

Faced with a choice between reliability and freedom, Stallman said that he would choose freedom, because free software, one of the freedoms that a user has the freedom to fix errors source code to make it more reliable.

"Those who do not recognize freedom are on track to lose," he added. "What we see here with this Act DADVSI."

"It will be illegal to watch DVDs using free software," he said, because of the provisions of the law about the software that implements DRM (digital rights management, digital rights management).

Stallman mocked those who rely on the requirements that companies using DRM technology provide the information necessary for others to develop interoperable DRM systems.

"Many people say that DRM, wives (such as those used by the police) digital are acceptable always operating at full steam. 'We can go everywhere in handcuffs. All computers use the same wives' (say those people). It is clear that this is not the solution. "

The law allows citizens to ask a court or tribunal that ordered him to companies that can provide information about their DRM systems, but does not say whether they should do so under a no confidentiality agreement, ANC, he said. "If they are allowed to provide such information at an ANC, then it is not possible to develop free software using the information," he added, given that the ANC would prohibit the release of source code.

"The Just because you do not have an application for watching DVDs could pose a major obstacle to the progress of GNU / Linux. If they are forbidden to provide that application, people who do not appreciate freedom itself, not want to use GNU / Linux for that reason, "he said.

" To defend freedom, you have to appreciate it. To appreciate it, you have to recognize it. But in our community, many people have not learned to recognize freedom. In the open source world is not about freedom. So I talk about it whenever I can, "he concluded Stallman.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Create Your Own Wwe Belt Online

Quiet please!. Seven ways to avoid distractions

· Place a clear warning DO NOT DISTURB, or any obvious sign that you are busy. Insist that your colleagues respect you.

· Arrange office furniture so that your desk does not look at the flow of people, so that no one can catch the eye.

· always stand up to speak to someone who is interrupting, so they know what they are doing.

· Put a big clock in view of visitors and review it while speaking.

· Stay alert: If an interruption is seen as more than 2 minutes, add it to your list of things to do and then do what he was doing.

· Keep a notebook open in front of you and write down what you are doing as soon interrupted.

· If you cut 2 cm to the front legs of a chair, that makes it uncomfortable enough for visitors to make short visits.

Sources: New Scientist and Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006.

Baby Phat Silver Bracelet

me alone! ... Computer

The average worker spends 2 hours a day answering calls, emails and pointless questions. We asked Tim Dowling, in The Guardian, to write about it - and then we are dedicated to stopping.

Tim Dowling
Friday, June 23, 2006.

Freely translated by Jacinto Dávila.

The morning starts with a black screen. In fact, begins with a warning saying my computer that is - we - in great danger because we do not have antivirus installed, but if we have it. Then comes the announcement of AOL that I put up with me every morning since I bought this computer, but I checked the box that says "Do not show me this again" every morning since I bought this computer.

According to a study reported by New Scientist, this type of distraction naive - emails, calls from colleagues and friends, people dropping by, messages generated by the computer - it takes away more than two hours in a typical workday. Researchers at the University of California found that drizzle Interrupt workers leaves them less than ...

heck, I have 6 mail messages, most Web sites comes from those whose daily summaries I've never subscribed. It's just that my attempts to unsubscribe have not been sufficiently rigorous. One of the first post is one of many "how are you?, Of the person who commissioned this article. I do not want to say that I've spent almost 30 minutes weighing several offers online access to the New Scientist, before my fill and decide it would be easier to go out and buy a copy (NT: lucky ones who can make that.) Then someone from the newspaper called me to talk other things. Where was I?.

Ah, yes. Workers on the culture "always online" today are so hard to concentrate on their main task that many believe they are suffering from attention deficit disorder. I think that's true. At least, that's the impression I left after the pre-trial speed reading the article, but when I returned a little later to find that part of the comment like that .. Wait, is your phone.

I apologize. Fortunately, I detected the instant the sound of an unsolicited sales call like that buy it now, and hung in one blow. I got rid of them before they could say "hello." Meanwhile, anti-virus my computer does not know you have, it has to download some updates. But back to my theme, the complaints of these workers are not very consistent. In fact, the study showed that due to these various distractions, their periods of sustained, uninterrupted, lasting on average only 3 minutes. Another study, produced by the Institute of Psychiatry last year found that the constant interruption of emails and phone calls had a greater effect on IQ than smoking marijuana.

The effect of all this distraction can be severe. Once your attention is interrupted, it takes time for re-adopting its previous line of thought. If you are interrupted while trying to remember what it was supposed to be doing, it is best to leave it off. The University of California found that over 20% of interrupted tasks would not be resumed the same day. The doorbell rang. I'll be back.

was the photographer who came to take my picture for this article, looking distracted while I'm in my letter writing nonsense, some of which will be here anyway. The phone rings while I pretend to talk about it. The guy says, "Is this the ULA FM?". Just when the photographer leaves, I get an email from my wife, who is on the ground floor. It says "Can you print this?". So I called and of course reply, screams me. So let me print what it is and I promise I will return to this topic with a new idea .. I, I - my wife comes up the stairs ..

Before our daily life interrupted our work. Now our work interrupts our work. We have become slaves of the communications technology that was supposed free us of the desire for office, travel, and meeting face to face with those nasty co-workers. There is hope, however, that technology to the rescue again. Communications software designed to prioritize and assess your "interruptibility" is currently being tested by Microsoft (NT: Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja!). Could become the electronic equivalent of an executive secretary, isolated from unnecessary or unwanted intrusions.

But the real question is not how we prioritize these interruptions. The real question is .. What am I doing standing here in the garden?. Remember someone knocked on the door with a package and then I talked to someone on my cellphone. I received the first "When you think you can go through here?" Call in the afternoon. Then the dog wanted to go out and refused to accept my pledge later. I also see that I have a bit of thread wound on my finger, recordarde of .... What?

Ultimately, blame technology for all these interruptions or, indeed, ask Him to save us, may be all wrong. Although it is certainly easier to interrupt someone with e-mail than in person, the study by the University of California, found half of the distractions we experience on a typical day of work, are self-inflicted: sending emails, calling, playing with the trash, bothering busy colleagues, or in my case, watching every program from my house, your house , complete.

Back in my office, there are several emails from various companies who have ordered several products, all telling me that I have come to some intermediate stage of the transaction negligible. I get the second "When you think you can go through here?" Call in the afternoon. I looked around for the bit of paper on which half garabatié that brilliant idea I had for the last paragraph. My wife calls me from a shop to ask if I want a new shirt what point did that woman?. You may leave the slip below.

not find it anywhere. But for some reason, I'm back in the garden, listening to the distant ringing of my phone in the office and watching the matica tomato is like hanging on one side. I think he wants to fix it. Ah .. for it must be the bit of wire that was carrying while.

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LinuxUser - June 2006.

Written by Jeremy Allison

One of the most disturbing news of recent days was to see the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, meeting with Mr. Bill Gates at the Gates mansion, even before the President Bush. A smiling Jintao mentioned as the operating system used by Mr. Gates every day, while Bill promised to help with technical support. But apparently, Bill Redmond and people could be helping more than simple technical support, and not just to help the Chinese government. Let

a small diversion to 1982.

The largest non-nuclear explosion ever recorded by satellite took place in Russia in 1982. It was a blast in a pipeline in Siberia. The disturbs and little known truth about this disaster was that it was caused directly by the CIA after having deliberately modified software to the Soviet Union (in binary form only, of course). Software that was designed to destroy the aqueduct.

you may think it's another paranoid fantasy (and certainly sounds like I know), but this was documented in the book "At the Abyss: An Insider's History of the Cold War", by Thomas C. Reed, former Secretary of the Air Force, who served on the National Security Council, and was also reported by the Washington Post in 2004, and even mentioned in a magazine article CIA's "Studies in Intelligence."

This was not simply an attack on the Soviet Union, but also affected gas prices in Western Europe (the pipeline was designed to transport gas to Europe), all as a side effect of attempts to disrupt U.S. Soviet foreign exchange earnings.

I wonder if the Chinese consider this part of history. Judging by his inclination to run Windows on their infrastructure, and the recent promises of PC makers in China to include "Windows Genuine" on PCs shipped from China, seems not.

This single incident of a software only in binary, causing enormous economic damage study should be mandatory for the decision makers of any nation that might have conflicts of interest with the U.S.. That's all the rest of the world, in case you were wondering. Furthermore, this normally very docile pet Americana, the United Kingdom, has rejected the control software only in binary, for the new joint fighter manufacturing, and have threatened to cancel the order if you do not access the source code.

Perhaps it is that the UK is not as docile as it sounds, since the British militarres seems to understand the need to control the software in at least some critical parts of their infrastructure.

So, who can you trust in computing? and Why?.

I love to say that open source companies are reliable because you get the source code, whereas proprietary source companies are not trusted because the source code is unavailable. But not so simple. Microsoft announces widely

that will give the source code for Windows to China and any country that complains about the possibility of such threats by way of binary code only.

Are you hoping for a Linux distributor will say NO to the U.S. government if asked (nicely, desde luego) que colocaran una puerta-trasera a las imágenes binarias de Linux que se entregan como parte de su producto?

¿Quienes de nosotros, de hecho, usan el código fuente, tan gentilmente incluido en los CD adicionales, para compilar su propia versión?.

Con Windows, desde luego, ya hay tantas puertas traseras, conocidas y desconocidas, que el gobierno de los EE UU quizás ni se molestará de pedirle nada a Microsoft. Puede que ya hayan conseguido una, lista para ser aprovechada a su antojo.
¿Qué hay de Intel o AMD y el microcódigo que viene en el propio procesador?.

Aún con acceso al código fuente de Windows, todavía no es digno de confianza, unless you compile it yourself and you just install the binary versions that you create on your own machine.

have a source claiming to be the one corresponding to a software product does not prove anything about the binary version of the product you are using, unless you have created you by yourself. How many versions of Windows, installed on computers from the Chinese Government were in fact compiled by the Chinese themselves?. No, it's my bet.

The same applies, of course, for the United Kingdom.

What this means is that many governments around the world that accept binary packaged software for software companies in the United States, are at the mercy of intelligence services of the U.S. who might have decided to add "little something extra" to the code. If you think I'm getting paranoid, talk to the Russians.

For completeness, however, for the truly paranoid, you even compile the code itself is NOT sufficient to ensure that you get "trusted" computing. In his article
1984, "Reflections on Trusting Trust" (Reflections on trusting trust) Ken Thompson, one of the original authors of Unix, tells the story of how he hack the system C compiler Unix, the software used to create the new binary from source code, add a completely undetectable backdoor to Unix. Once assembled, there was no trace of the back door that said none of the source code available for Unix públicamentes. It was cleverly hidden in the binary and was designed to reproduce and spread itself in any new binary created in the system.

That was a theoretical attack. It is not something that actually did, but something that could have done. At least that's what I expect, but I am inclined to trust him.

The only way to get reliable code you are designing the processor itself (Yes, there may be backdoors in the microcode of the processor as well as in binary code) write their own compiler and audit all open source code you created it for use in their command and control systems. Anything else is to trust in untrustworthy.

I leave you with some words from the article by Ken Thompson that are as true today in 1984 com. "The moral is obvious. You can not trust code that you did not create it yourself (especially code companies that employ people like me). No amount of source code verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code. To prove the possibility of these kinds of attacks, I chose the C compiler I could have chosen any programs that manipulate other programs, such as an assembler, un cargador o incluso el hardware del micródigo. En la medida en que el nivel de los programas baje, esos gazapos serán más y más difíciles de detectar. Un gazapo instalado en el micródigo será casi imposible de detectar".

Jeremy Allison es desarrollador líder del Equipo Samba.

Traducido libremente por Jacinto Dávila.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Brent Corrigan And Everett

The June 21: Day for a GE Free Latin America

Por Lorna Haynes

Red por América Latina Libre de Transgénicos

Latin America is the largest area of \u200b\u200bagricultural biodiversity of the planet and the center of origin of many crops fundamental rights for human consumption, such as corn and potatoes. However, it is also the second region of the world in area planted to GM crops. The introduction of transgenic organisms is a serious threat to agricultural biodiversity that reservoir because it can cause an irreversible genetic pollution, and loss of this heritage of humanity, which is essential for sustainable food production. In addition, food sovereignty means subordinate to the commercial interests of large corporations.

genetically modified organisms, also called "transgenic" are new bodies created in the laboratory, whose characteristics have been altered by inserting genes from other species. Could not occur in nature and can not predict how people interact with ecosystems and what the consequences will be all over time and space. Scientific studies and field experiences show that GM crops have higher yields than natural crops, are more polluting and introduce new risks to health and the environment.

Inspired by the need for joint efforts to cope with the introduction of transgenic organisms and prevent new introductions in the region, peasant organizations, indigenous, environmental and other Latin American civil society, gathered in Quito, Ecuador, in January 1999 in Latin American Seminar on Transgenic Organisms and Biosafety "created the Network for a GM free Latin America.

June 21 was chosen as the Day for a GE Free Latin America because it coincides with the June solstice, the day of great importance among American cultures, which are held a number of practices related to the harvest of maize, potato and other crops.

Recently, in March, at the Eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP8) held in Curitiba, Brazil, the Vice-Minister of Environment claimed on behalf of Venezuela, "the government has a firm stance against GMOs. "

However, it remains to demonstrate that strength. 4 years have passed since it was handed to Environment Minister a draft decree to ban GMOs in the country supported by over 8000 signatures. Meanwhile, despite the high-level speeches and in violation of national laws and rights in Venezuela is importing GM foods which are then placed on the nation's supermarkets. Therefore, application of the precautionary principle, and in order to protect health and the environment and defend the right and option to a GM-free food, we asked President Chavez decreed a ban on environmental release Genetically Engineered Organisms (GMOs) and the use of GMOs and their products and products containing the food and agriculture.

Monday, June 19, 2006

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The Wellcome Trust welcomes

The Wellcome Trust is a charitable organization created in the UK from the legacy of Sir Henry Wellcome to seek resources to improve human and animal health. It is a private organization with its own means of funding, but that mobilizes significant resources
This charitable foundation is promoting the creation of a repository medical research open access to the UK. UKPMC call him to reflect that worked next to the PMC ( in the U.S., and say their goal is to create a almace'n stable, permanent and free access to digital via to the full text, refereed publications were funded by the Wellcome Trust.

One of his spokesmen said: "Ensuring that esta'n research results freely available to all is the best way to maximize their usefulness. The open access is good for science, research community and humanity."

The foundation also explains that "open access is a new model of publication in which the costs of peer review and self-publication are paid by subvensiones and research grants, rather than by subscription to magazines. We will provide (our) Fellows of the additional funds to cover the costs of processing fees their texts that require publishers of supporting the open access model. All articles published in this way estar'an freely available to all for the Web. " For more information

Monday, June 12, 2006

Where To By Fake Contacts

Open Access Website for free content definition


just been launched the new website to discuss and publish a definition for the term "free content" or free content.

" A group of advocates of free culture has created a new website to promote 'the definition of free content', parallel the definition of free software, which aims to fill the void and establish a clear definition of freedom for the artistic and literary content are not software.

founder Wikinews and Wikimedia projects, Eric Moller, and Debian developer Benjamin Mako Hill, come together in this project with Mia Garlick, known for his role as general consultant of Creative Commons and Angela Beesley, co-founder of Wikia , Inc.

respect to the goals of the project, Moller said "We believe that the highest standards of freedom should be sought for as many jobs as possible. We define this standard of freedom clearly. We will call the definition of content and free expression and the work that covers content will be free or free expression. "

More info on Link

Friday, June 9, 2006

Good Mid Range Receiver

Free Report. Thursday, June 8, 2006

With the radio program yesterday is available at link: 20080606.mp3 Continuing