Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Small White Wart On Nose

SNMPv3 - Debian Configuration 6


In previous entries, which we have studied the SNMP protocol, and we talked about security management in versions 1 and 2 was negligible, since they are based on the concept of community and use a chain of text, sent in plain text, for its management.

SNMPv3 does provide secure access to devices, so that you can access the data without fear of being changed by the journey and in addition, sensitive information (such as a change in the configuration of a router) can be encrypted to prevent their content is exposed on the net. With SNMPv3 we have, therefore, the following features:

  • Message integrity: ensures that a received packet has not been modified.
  • Authentication: Determines that the message came from a valid source.
  • Encryption: the secrecy of the package, preventing it from being read by an unauthorized user.
In SNMPv3, we have 3 levels of security: noAuthnoPriv, authNoPriv and authPriv.

A practical example

Let's see the protocol in operation. We will use the net-snmp utilities , which we saw in the previous post installing and configuring a Debian machine. For

configure snmpd agent Debian machine, so that you can use SNMPv3 for access to information, we have to edit multiple files, but it's easier if you use the program net-snmp-config .

The first thing to do is stop the agent so we can create our first user and give permission to make inquires or to make changes to objects.

# / etc / init.d / snmpd stop

With this command we create the user "test" with password "asdasd123", using MD5 and DES for security:
(NOTE: You must have openssl installed)

# net-snmp-config - SNMPv3-user-create-a test asdasd123

By default, the program adds a line to / etc / snmp / snmpd.conf created which gives a user read / write access. Edit the file can change permissions.

Let's start the agent again in order to test its operation:

# / etc / init.d / snmpd start

The following command requests the OID localhost agent. 0, which is sysContact, using the test user:

$ snmpget-v 3-u test-l authPriv-a MD5-A asdasd123-x DES-X asdasd123

localhost iso. = STRING: "Chen "

And this other order requests sysLocation:

$ snmpget-v 3-u test-l authPriv-a MD5-A asdasd123-x DES-X localhost asdasd123 .1.6.0

iso. = STRING: "institute"

In the next picture we see a wireshark capture in which you can see how, indeed, after performing authentication The information travels encrypted, ensuring its integrity and confidentiality:


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Would A Monroe Piercing Suit Me?

SNMP on Debian Squeeze Squeeze 6

Hello! Following

this series of articles on SNMP ( Introduction , MIBs and messages), today we will see how to configure an SNMP agent on Debian Squeeze 6. To install the service pack must be installed snmpd :

# aptitude install snmpd

The configuration file we should edit to set the agent to our requirements is / etc / snmp / snmpd.conf . However, the syntax of the file is not very comfortable and documentation can be found on the Internet is aimed at older versions of the package. After throw me a while fiddling with the file, my friend Alberto Molina me advised him to take a look at file / usr / share / doc / snmpd / README.Debian , which contains the following:

  The default configuration for snmpd is paranoid for security  Rather 
Reasons. Edit / etc / snmp / snmpd.conf to allow or run snmpconf
Greater access. The

snmpconf Provider to program simple, menu driven way of configuring the snmp
Applications and daemons.

The default configuration of snmpd
quite paranoid about security reasons.

Edit the file / etc / snmp / snmpd.conf or run the script to allow snmpconf
greater access.

THE snmpconf ofrce program a simple, menu-driven, set
applications and daemons snmp.

And the truth is that the service configuration using snmpconf is much simpler. To use the package to install snmp , which contains several utilities:

# aptitude install snmp

And we can throw:

# snmpconf

The program is going by asking questions to help us create the configuration file according to our needs. The first question is whether we want to reuse content from the existing configuration files. We can reuse and snmp.conf snmptrapd.conf .

Then we ask for the file you want to create, in our case snmpd.conf. And shows us the sections that make up the file so that we will be shaping. We start with the access control section:

If we are working with SNMP version 2 (the most common, but much more uncertain than SNMPv3), we must configure the options 3 and / or 4, to create a community of reading and other reading and writing.

If you choose option 3 will ask the name of the community, the addresses of the machines from which requests can be made snmpd agent and objects on which requests can be made.

And the same questions for option 4:

This would be a very basic configuration (very insecure), but we had better to check the operation of the protocol on a Linux machine. And could go out of the menus to exit the program:

Finally, we would que reiniciar el servicio:

#/etc/init.d/snmpd restart

Podemos comprobar el correcto funcionamiento de nuestro agente con cualquier NMS o MIB Browser, como BlackOwl MIB Browser:

En las próximas entradas seguiremos estudiando el protocolo SNMP, centrándonos en los aspectos relacionados con su seguridad.

¡Un saludo!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Difference Between Dismissal And Expungement


En las entradas anteriores hemos realizado una introducción a SNMP , estudiando sus componentes y arquitectura, y hemos profundizado en los MIBs y el árbol de información de gestión . Hoy we will focus in SNMP messages.

To achieve the goal of being a simple protocol, SNMP proposed a limited set of management commands and responses. The initial version of the protocol was only 5 operators: Get

  • to obtain or read the value of one or more instances of an object. GetNext
  • very similar to Get, it differs in that this operation gets the value of next OID tree
  • Set, to write or set the value of one or more instances of an object.
  • Trap, which are messages sent by agents to the NMS to report that there has been a certain event
  • Response, are the responses from the NMS agents containing the requested values.

SNMPv2 introduced 2 new operators:

  • GetBulk was introduced as an enhancement to Get Next requests, when to get data from a table (such as information of the network interfaces of a computer or table routing).
  • Inform, a message similar to trap but that includes a confirmation from the NMS to receive the message.




To see the performance of SNMP in action and to make some catches WireShark need a SNMP NMS and any device. To do this you can use your home router, switch or your own machine.

I will be using a Windows XP virtual machine on which I installed the SNMP service (Start-> Add / Remove Programs -> add windows components -> Management and Monitoring Tools -> SNMP). Once installed you can configure the agent and to define the details. For example, we can establish the contact, which will be the information contained in the sysContact object value, or location, which is the value of sysLoc, both the System group.

If we go to the security tab, we see that by default only public community is created, which is read-only rights. A community (community string) is something like a password in plain text (and therefore very uncertain.) In the next post will discuss security and SNMPv3 protocol.

can create a new community with read and write:

Once the changes have to restart the service. NMS

As we will use the application Blackowl MIB browser. In the picture you can see how I selected the computer on which I work (typing its IP in the Host field), I went sailing through the tree to the group object system and have conducted three operations get to get the value of objects sysDescr, sysContact and sysLocation. As the community of read operations is set by default to public, do not set anything:

As you can see, the values \u200b\u200bthat are returned by the agent that we established previously on the computer.

If you look, the object can be modified sysLocation from the NMS, as access is readwrite. Let's change it! To this end, we must provide our NMS data write of the agent community. We have to go to properties, select SNMPv2 and write the appropriate community string.

If we perform the operation on the object sysLocation September, we miss a new window asking the value to write to the agent:

If we go to the computer and look at the properties we can test SNMP that indeed SysLocation value has changed:

Finally I leave a couple of pictures of the catch made with WireShark get to perform the operation on the object and sysContact response from the agent:

CAUTION After testing, you should disable SNMP or secure in your equipment, lest your teams start doing strange things ...

In the next article speak, precisely, safety and SNMPv3 protocol.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Skype Will Not Detect Webcam

III Introduction to SNMP SNMP II Introduction to Introduction to SNMP


This post will continue to study the protocol SNMP. Following a historical introduction previous post and study the components and protocol architecture, today we focus on the MIBs.

We saw in the previous post that each managed device contains an agent that accesses the physical device information and makes it accessible (and, sometimes, configurable) to the NMS. For example, an agent might respond to a request by reporting the number of bytes transmitted by an interface. These variables contain the information of the devices are known as managed objects. A collection of managed objects described in a document called the MIB, so you could say that the MIB files form the set of queries that a NMS can make to an agent.

The management information tree

All management information is defined so that each managed object in any MIB module, either standard or private, has a unique identifier, called object identifier (object identifier, OID .) The OID is a string of integers separated by dots, which places the object into a logical node of a tree known as the management information tree. The integers represent the nodes in the path from the root to the object itself. Each node has a label, which is the integer associated with the node itself, and a brief description.

For historical reasons, remain some nodes that are irrelevant to us and make the object identifiers are longer than necessary. The following figure shows the tree.

Objects that are of interest to us are under the mib-2 node under node snmp v2 and those who are under the node Enterprises. We will see that the managed objects that are related are organized into groups and subgroups, so we do not have thousands of nodes hanging directly mib-2 node, for example.

To take a look at management information tree, you can download a MIB browser and TKMib, available at Debian and Ubuntu repository:

$ sudo aptitude install TKMib
TKMib &

if you navigate to the group system, within the mib node -2, see all the managed objects in this group, as sysDescr, sysUpTime, sysName, sysLocation ...

The image shows how to select the object sysDescr we can see its OID, its type and access mode, your description ...

There are 2 types of managed objects, scalar and tabular:

  • scalar objects, SysUpTime as are those who can only return a result, they define a single instance of an object (a single leaf on the tree).
  • For tabular objects, however, there may be multiple instances (multiple leaves on the tree). Consider, for example, a device with multiple network cards in this case there will be a ifSpeed \u200b\u200bobject instance for each of the cards the computer.

In the next post will continue to study the SNMP protocol, focusing on messages management and security of the protocol.


Sources: Http://

Ontario Requirements Concession Trailer


This week, I will spend a number of entries to study the protocol SNMP, Simple Netowork Management Protocol - Protocol Simple Network Management, based on the great article of Debby Koren, "Dean" RAD University .

A historical review

Before the advent of SNMP, if you wanted to manage a set of network devices, you should have stations dedicated to management, perhaps with multiple windows for different types of information (statistics, activity, etc.) that were specific to each manufacturer. In fact, it was rare that a manufacturer had a common management station for all your devices.

There was a common protocol, but a lot of proprietary protocols. SNMP was developed to address this problem by offering a protocol for standardized network management so that they could use a common technology for exchanging information consistent between different devices on the network, even those from different manufacturers.

Since the publication of the first RFC SNMP over 20 years, SNMP has been updated several times and has become a standard which is implemented in almost all network devices. Although it was designed with elements of the Internet, you can find all kinds of devices that support it, as air conditioning. You can also use SNMP to manage software systems. SNMP can be used to monitor, configure and obtain information from devices or programs using graphical interfaces in expensive management teams or using a free management software or even from the CLI.

Components and Architecture

There are 4 basic components of SNMP:
  • managed nodes or network elements, which have an agent (agent).
  • At least one station network management (NMS)
  • Management Information
  • A management protocol of the network, using the NMS and the agents to exchange management information
A managed node can be any system, including a software system that has some kind of network connectivity. In fact, early in the development of SNMP, with the aim of demonstrating the versatility of the protocol, the company showed Epilogue how you could use SNMP to manage a toaster.

The agent that contains each node implements the protocol management SNMP. The agent is able to send, receive and parse SNMP messages. The agent interacts with the physical device and obtain the information needed to answer the queries of the NMS and to send trap messages (notification messages). The agent is also able to make changes to the configuration of the device following the instructions from the NMS requests. Agents therefore have to have an access control settings to manage the read / write privileges.

A station network management (NMS ) is a host that is capable of sending and receiving SNMP requests and parse responses and SNMP trap messages to / from the managed nodes. NMS There are many commercial software offers many features like the ability to "discover" the management of the network nodes, graphically displaying the nodes in a network map, using icons for each node type, display status information, statistics, etc.

The third component is the SNMP management information, which is obviously the information exchanged between agents and the NMS. We use the term managed object to refer to a management information unit. Ojo! Do not confuse a managed object to a managed device is not the same. A managed object is an abstract concept, is the definition of a information. For example, suppose you have a device that can change color, we could define a managed object called "color" and its corresponding definition would be "the color of the device."

A collection of related managed objects, which are defined in a document called MIB module (Management Information Base). We will see that there are some standard MIB modules, which are called simply MIBs, all devices must support SNMP. There are other standard MIB modules should be supported only by devices for which the MIB is relevant, and other private MIB specific to a particular manufacturer, containing definitions of managed objects for their teams.

For example, all SNMP manageable devices must have certain information such as IP address, to be considered compliant with the SNMP protocol, this information should be defined in a standard MIB that all devices must support . If the device has an Ethernet interface, then you should be able to provide certain information such as the number of collisions, and this information is defined in a MIB Ethernet, all devices with an Ethernet interface must support. Finally, a manufacturer of switches, for example, could offer a feature that makes their devices more attractive to customers: the switch can change color to blend into the closet. The manufacturer has to offer, therefore, a private MIB that contain a managed object for this purpose.

Therefore, MIBs contain objects representing managed resources, configuration, status, etc. of a system. Managed objects are assigned values \u200b\u200bto represent them, but not the value itself. For example, following the example of the managed object "color", its definition is "the color of the device" and its assigned value could be 0 for black, 1 for pink, 2 to gray, 3 for green, etc.. In this case, the object would be an integer, and value represent the entire color. Would be precisely the value of managed object which would be monitored and modified by NMS.

And this brings us to the last component of the management architecture: the management protocol of the network. But wait a moment, is not this what we call 'SNMP'? Is not the protocol SNMP network management? SNMP is that and more, as it defines the MIBs, architecture and protocol for exchanging messages. In this latter respect, the message exchange protocol between the NMS and the managed nodes, including the type of messages and formats is the protocol called network management.

We will see in the next outset that there are several types of SNMP messages, which allow the NMS to read and / or write information, and allow agents to send trap messages to notify or alarm of a certain situation.

Management Architecture

SNMP uses a client-server architecture as shown in the figure below:

As the pioneer NMS SNMP requests, while agents in different managed devices (router, switch, server and toaster) passively await these consultations, we can say that the NMS is the client and server agents. Agents listen requests on port UDP 161.

however, also contains the SNMP management protocol traps. As already mentioned, traps are unsolicited messages that are sent to the NMS by the agents to report unusual events or alarms on a given situation. As the agent is the one who initiates the connection, in this case the agents are clients and NMS servers, listening on UDP port 162.

In the next posts we will continue talking about SNMP, MIBs deepening the , the messages management and security of the protocol.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Developing Sudoku In C


This blog is designed to engage the work of students studying the subject of Education and Society in the Faculty of Education of Toledo. Also involved resources from New Technologies Applied to Education Diploma of Education students shared. Included

research on related topics, presentations, book reviews , presentations, blogs and websites designed by students.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jcpenny Salon Chi Hair Straighteners

KING PAWN magazines, Spanish Opening

July 2004 No. 32

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mcdonalds In Brampton Hiring

numbers 32-33-34-35-36-37 - Anti-Marshall systems

Friday, April 22, 2011

Stroke Victim Flash Cards

Chess School - Antonio Gude

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How To Put Fuji Film In A Polaroid 600

More than 3000 schools to incorporate chess educational program

The game is present in 12 districts of Argentina as a supplement is not compulsory primary and secondary education. The Ministry of Education's Office provides the institutional and holds federal.

About 3000 schools in 12 districts of Argentina joined chess to their educational program. Some for more than two decades, as the City of Buenos Aires, and more recently increasingly used for the training of boys-sport game, which the great masters, as the champion Oscar Panno, develops "all characteristics of the boy's mind: memory, analysis, including responsibility. " The National Chess Program of the National Social and Educational Policy at the Ministry of Education's Office provides the institutional framework for each province to replicate the program in their jurisdiction. "The national ministry provides teaching materials: a kit of ten games, magnetic board and books for teaching chess," said program coordinator, George Bergier. The education portfolio also provides training to teachers across the country so they can teach the game. "We do not have title of professor of chess, and who give the classes are players with a vocation to teach, to which is about giving the minimum educational expertise, "said Bergier. As stated

Bergier, the National Education Act suggests that schools have full-time, so they implement activities that contribute to cognitive process. "The motto is that the whole day is not more of it," said Bergier. The chess classes are free and optional, but that does not detract from or call them. Bergier said that national meetings should set a filter, because they can get to join "50 thousand kids."

In the City of Buenos Aires is held every Saturday in a school chess match that brings together between 200 and 300 boys. Gustavo Eagle is one of three coordinators of the program under the Ministry of Education and Buenos Aires was created in 1989 by then-Secretary of Culture and former Minister of Education, Daniel Filmus. "We have 50 teachers and 160 schools, with an average of 40 students per classroom," said Eagle.

The workshops run once a week, both day schools and simple. According to Eagle, in full-time often have "90%" of students. "Some guys take two months, others a year, and others follow." Eagle, who shares co-ordination with Reid and Marcelo Daniel Justel, all trained in the field of chess then teaching, said he did not compel the children to competition and the tournaments are only those who want to participate, without any pressure. "The idea is that all may learn and not make champions," he said.

"Boys are taught to play. The younger ones start from scratch with a special teaching that we were forming in these 20 years of work, stories, songs, games, pre-Games, until they learn to play, "he told the Eagle. Source

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plantar Fasciitis And Blood Clots

Magazines "King's Pawn "Numbers 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 for 2004

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brazilian Wax Schools Southern California

RIP v2 on Linux with Quagga


Today we will see how Dynamic routing is configured on Linux routers because they do not support it natively. To do this we will use the suite Quagga, which includes implementations of OSPFv2, OSPFv3, RIP v1 and v2, RIPng and BGP-4 for Unix platforms (FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and NetBSD) and to modify the configuration of equipment typical orders through the Cisco IOS. Architecture

Quagga Quagga consists of several daemons that work collaboratively to build the routing table. For example, the daemon handles ripd RIP, while the daemon is ospfd which supports the OSPF protocol. To changes in the kernel routing table and for redistribution of routes between different protocols, using the zebra daemon .


If we make a production facility with a complex configuration, it would be preferable to download the code to configure and compile it with the desired options. For this example, however, install the package available in the Debian repository.

# aptitude install quagga

quagga daemons have their own terminal or VTY (a CLI) to which we connect via telnet for configuration. After installation, we can see how been added to the file / etc / services the following entries:

Configuring RIPv2

The first task is edit the file / etc / quagga / daemons to activate the protocols you want to configure on your machine and restart the service:

# nano / etc / quagga / daemons zebra

= yes
bgpd = no = no = no
ripd = yes = no

# / etc / init.d / quagga restart

Next we must create a configuration file for each daemon enabled. Each daemon has an associated file with a specific name:

ospfd . conf

To create the configuration files, you can copy the sample files that includes the documentation:

# cp / usr / share / doc / quagga / examples / zebra.conf.sample / Etc / quagga / zebra.conf
# cp / usr / share / doc / quagga / examples / ripd.conf.sample / etc / quagga / ripd.conf

Finally, we to change the permissions, the owner and group of these files:

# chown quagga: quaggavty / etc / quagga / *. conf
# chmod 640 / etc / quagga / *. conf

and restart the service:

# / etc / init.d / quagga restart

Now we can begin to configure dynamic routing, for which we connect by telnet to the daemon VTY ripd. We asked for a password, default is zebra, but you can change the file / etc / quagga / ripd.conf:

ripd # telnet localhost Trying

: 1 ...
Trying ...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is'^]'.

Hello, this is Quagga (version 0.99.15).
Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.

User Access Verification Password


And we could set our Linux to work with RIP using typical Cisco IOS commands:

ripd> enable
ripd # configure terminal
ripd (config) # router rip
ripd (config-router) # network 10.0 .0.0 / 8
ripd (config-router) # network / 8
ripd (config-router) # exit
ripd (config) # exit
ripd # write Configuration
saved to / etc / quagga / ripd.conf

Here you can find all the options with Quagga RIP settings, but if you did some After a Cisco router will see that the orders are virtually identical. Here you have the RIP configuration guide Cisco devices.

NOTE: do not forget to activate the forwarding bit machine for your route!

# echo "1"> / proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

And if you want to endure after a reboot:

# echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1">> / etc / sysctl.conf

Can I Penetrate My Cervix?

The newspaper" The World "presents" Chess audiovisual course, supported by the Spanish Federation of Chess. Magazines

An audiovisual course, practical and progressive.
40 deliveries consist of a book and a DVD each.
A groundbreaking study method.
  • To progress through the game, step by step, without taking anything for granted.
  • To master all the techniques and improve your game quickly.
  • To solve chess problems and compete successfully.
Recommended by FEDA
This course has the backing of the highest institution English chess, the English Federation of Chess (FEDA), which is part of the International Chess Federation (FIDE).
All regional federations are integrated into the FEDA, which is the organizer of the Chess Championship of Spain, the Spain Club Championship (CECLUB) and championships in Spain by category, among other tournaments.

How is the course?

four main sections.
The contents of the DVD and book are complementary, and the axis common to both carriers are four basic sections. Openings
  • Tactics
  • Final Strategy
Each of these sections is completed with masterly examples, Famous games and historical anecdotes of the great masters.

A specialist teacher introduces and develops the content of sections in the DVDs and poses practical exercises whose solutions are given below.

an International Grand Master, the champion of Spain Miguel Illescas, International Grandmaster invited to the course, provides valuable tips in a special section of the DVD, the lesson of the great master.

is suggested that you start watching the DVD and then to review what they learned with the help of the book.

Rules of the game and course content.
In the first installment will offer the game, if you need to consult or review. The find both the DVD and a booklet supplemental plan also includes the full course.

audiovisual sessions: DVD
The structure of the DVDs is always the same: to see session, you can follow the contents of each issue from start to finish without interruption.
you can also directly choose a section of your interest, and in each section to choose between the theoretical (Theory) and the practical (Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Ejercico 3). Once raised
exercises by the teacher has to make to find the solutions, which are explained by the teacher below.
Finally, the DVD has a special section: The lesson of the great master, in which Miguel Illescas, alone or in company of the teacher, gives all kinds of tips extracted from his vast experience in the competition. Miguel Illescas

Born in Barcelona in 1945, is credited with a national and international honors argo. It is International Chess Grand Master since 1988, historical record as champion of Spain (8 times) and the English Olympic team member since 1986. Has coached world champion Vladimir Kramnik (1999-2006) and senior coach of the International Federation (IFAD), was a member of technical staff of the IBM machine Deep Bue (1995-1997) and is the founder and president of the Chess school EDAMI. He is editor of journals and director of web sites dedicated to this sport, and a prominent journalist, writer and lecturer.

The book: The synthesis of the sessions and the History of the Great Masters. The books
provides a summary of the ideas in the basic sections of the DVD, complemented with additional examples and variations are not addressed in the audiovisual.
addition, the book includes a section: Large Champions.
And also a practical side: Play area.

The first is a chronological history of chess through its legends and the most famous match: Philidor, Morphy, Lasker, Capablanca, Nimzovitsch, Alekhine, Petrosian, Spassky, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Polgar, Carlsen .. .
The second is a space to review what they learned and put into practice the knowledge acquired. Calculate your elo

Periodically, in the play area will be offered a self-assessment exercise Calculate your elo, which must be resolved different game situations to measure the approximate force (elo) of the player and its progression. Playground

online with Internet Chess Club
The chess learning product gives you a 6-month subscription to online gaming area Internet Chess Club, the world's leading online chess.

Possibilities included in the playing area:
  • Play and chat online with thousands of users around the world. Follow live
  • major world events.
  • Participate in online activities such as tournaments or simultaneous.
  • observe the games of the great international masters.
  • Playing against a computer.
Internet Chess Club (ICC), founded in 1995, was a pioneer in offering online games on the net. In the actuall, ICC is the world leader in premium services online chess.

Contents of the four main sections.

Development and Center Openings

forced Tactical maneuvers and combinations


The value of the parts

Cornering the king, mate with two towers.


2 Fast Castling

Finding Tactical combinations.

Threat and Defense Strategy: Final

Mate with a tower

Opening time

Finding Tactical combinations

The Final

material advantage
Mate with the queen


The check and double attack

Strategy Final

Crown isolated pawn


madman's Mate Tactical
The check and discovered the attack on
The Strategy

initiative and attack

end a pawn in the sixth or seventh row


Mate Tactical
The two pieces

The Strategy Final
central domain
effective and opposition.


defective development

The pin
Tactical Strategy

misplaced parts

Final effective and opposition Casillas

Openings Open Openings

Tactical X-ray Attack Strategy

deployment and break points

pawns Racing Finals


Openings Opening 4 horses

The piece overloaded Tactical Strategy

open and semi-finals
laborers locked: the zugwang


Openings Italian Opening

Tactical Strategy deviation

Torres, seventh and eighth rows

King and two pawns versus king


Fegatello Attack: The point "f7 "Tactical

Battery Bishop

Strategy: Final

open diagonal
part and pawn against king only

Openings Legal

Tactics The attraction

Strategy Bishops
good and bad in the middle game Final

Bishop and pawns


Openings Defense Tactics Phillidor

The ambush

Horse Strategy :
footholds Final
Horses and laborers


The king in the center

Tactical Defense Disposal Strategy

weak pawns Finals against


Openings 15

English Opening Tactics

Counterattack Strategy Bishops
different color in the attack

Lady Finals against peons


Nailed opening

The enfilade

Security Strategy of King
End Bishops of the same color

Scottish Open

The piece caught

Attack Strategy: the extraction of King

Different colored bishops

Danish Gambit Opening
and Scottish


Attack Strategy Castling: Final

sacrifices Bishop and pawn against horse


Openings King's Gambit Tactics

The unstoppable threat

Attack Strategy Castling: opening lines

Finals Horse and pawn against Bishop


Opening Evans Gambit Tactics

obstruction and blocking

Weaknesses Strategy Castling Final

Bishop against knight: several pieces



Petroff Defense Tactics

interception strategy castling on opposite flanks

Final Quality Advantage (without pawns)

; Openings

Preventing castling

Tactical Clearance Strategy

castle's decision
Final Quality Advantage (with pawns)

Openings Openings semi-

Tactical Strategy mill

The game plan: objectives

Late Late pawns


Sicilian Defence Tactics

The Strategy

The game plan: Final

maneuvers created a passed pawn


Openings French Defence Tactics

Promotion Strategy

pawn structure

active King in the final


pawn chains and breaks
furious Tactical

The Strategy Room
Pawn Final
Cutting the enemy king

Caro-Kann Defense Tactics


Strategy chained backward pawn

The Late Late
tower: Lucena position

Openings 28

Scandinavian Defense Tactics hall

The passed pawn

Late Late tower: Philidor position

Openings Alekhine Defence

tactic Smothered mate

Strategy doubled Pawn

Late Late tower: the tower pawn


The advantage of space
Mate Tactical
the seventh row

Strategy Most pawns
The tower behind the passed pawn

The Fianchetto Openings

Tactical Network
mate: rook and bishop

Strategy bishop's fight against horse

Finals Final tower complex (I)


Pirc Defense Tactics Network
mate: rook and knight

The bishop pair
Late Late
tower complex (II)

Openings Openings closed

Tactical Network

mate: queen and bishop

Strategy and blocking the horse

Late Late lady


34 Queen's Gambit accepted

Tactical Network
mate: lady Strategy and riding

material compensation
end material:

technique to gain



Tactical Network
matt bishop and knight

Strategy Simplification and final step

Finals Strengths in the final


Openings Nimzo-Indian Defense Tactics

mate combinations (I)

Strategy Simplification and final step
The Final
drowned in the final

Openings 37

lady india Defense Tactics

mate combinations (II) Strategy

The relative value of the pieces

Final Final
practical: golden rules


Openings King's Indian Defense Tactics

gain material combinations (II) Strategy


Final Final
classics (I)

Openings 39

Grunfeld Defense Tactics

gain material combinations (II)

Strategy Final Attack

Final positional classics (II)


Openings Openings Tactical

flank combinations tables

positional strategy

Final Sacrifice Final
classics (III)

There is also the possibility to get the late delivery of the courses if we could not buy them at the kiosk, it delivers significantly Course every Sunday with the newspaper El Mundo price of 9.95 euros each plus delivery price for the newspaper, on Sunday will offer the 4 th installment.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Background Music Family Jewels

Hello! I step

slides we used to work on the issue of structured cabling in the course of planning and network management.

They, after an introduction that presents the characteristics of local area networks and the means of transmission and interconnection devices commonly used in construction, you can find information on structured cabling standards:

  • real examples of facilities not compliant

  • Examples of facilities that do meet

  • Problems facilities that do not follow the rules
  • Objectives of the structured cabling standards set
  • subsystems: input services, equipment room, backbone cabling, distribution cabinets, horizontal cabling and Workspace

  • Organization of distributors
  • Calculation of cabinets needed
  • PAT sizing rules
  • Separation of electrical wiring and data
  • Recommendations
  • installation of fiber optic cables: types, marketing, fan-out kits
  • transmission quality parameters
  • Testers a network installation (Demo online )

I hope you can take advantage. Greetings!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Does The Eclipse 7002 Brain Look Like

Peon de Rey, 20 to 25 copies of a chess player

6 more issues of the journal king pawn numbers 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 to 25