Monday, December 25, 2006

What Happens To The Cervix Before Your Period

Rationale for a South American Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge. The Declaration of Mexico

Justification Memorandum for a South American Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge.

establish that all knowledge is the result of a collective effort must be free for all is a fundamental commitment to continental social payoff, but also a perfectly practical and sustainable option. That is what is argued in this text.

free access may be understood as a comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage, refereed and approved by the intellectual community, and provision of high society in an expeditious manner, large and especially not the ignorant peche 1.

In most Western societies prevailing economic system that prevents free access to knowledge in these terms. A system that has been built so far international law for the so-called intellectual property. "

That economic system demand huge amounts of foreign currency from their taxpayers forced: the nation state. But the worst thing is that its very existence undermines the solidarity principles of public education, established in the national constitutions of those same states, and encourages ignorance of non-cooperation between the academic communities of these nations.

For example, rather than allow free access to their intellectual contributions, researchers from public institutions transfer their copyright and thereby control the dissemination of these contributions, transnational publishers then chest to authors and their colleagues and neighbors for access to this knowledge, often corrected and improved by the communities themselves.

Researchers are practically forced to participate in this extraordinary business as traditional mechanisms of evaluation of scholarly productivity and research are almost entirely rooted systems of publications related to publishing houses closing the access to this knowledge for economic reasons.

To correct this situation and eliminate its harmful effects sufficient a political statement at the highest level stating that all knowledge result of a collective effort should be freely available to all without imposing limitations that special reasons of sovereignty and national security.

With this every public academic community in each country could implement the actions necessary to ensure free access to knowledge. Actions which would lead to major economic changes since, as said, much of the current system and is supported by the efforts and resources of the academic community service.

1 Berlin Declaration


want to subscribe to this statement?. Leave a comment. Thank you.

Jacinto Dávila. Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela

White Ceramic Plates Wholesale

Last October, in the framework of the International Conference V University Libraries, organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, we discussed the principles of free access to knowledge and agree a statement that we share with the community American academic: THE DECLARATION OF MEXICO.

The Mexico Declaration

Informed and aware

that "g nsure that the results of research freely available to all is the best way to maximize their utility" and that "Open access is good for science, for the research community and Humanity (1) who subscribe to we would recommend to all Latin American institutions, and especially our national governments, policy-making Open Access and the inclusion of Open Access resources in the mechanisms of institutional evaluation of academic performance and scientific, as a way to encourage the free generation of knowledge.

This group is committed to creating and maintaining a network of research, exchange, promotion, communication, digital preservation and training of staff in the technological tools required to carry out the mission referred, and the creation of a union catalog of contributions. We invite and open the door for all institutions to join this effort underwriting this statement.

In Mexico City, Friday October 27, 2006.

Managers of the Declaration:

From the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Alberto Castro Thompson.

of the Latin American Consortium for Education in Science and Technology, Henry Jerez.

From the Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP, Fujita Mariangela.

The Ministry of Education Colombia, Alvaro Arias.

From the University of Los Andes, Venezuela, Jacinto Dávila.

Emory University, Richard Luce.

(1) Sir John Sulston. A Guide to Open Access. Wellcome Trust